Good Morning Sunshine!
I want to share my Green Monster with you, it's not a monster you need to be afraid of (you won't find it hiding under your bed) Promise. In my quest to get healthier from the Inside Out I've found myself taking my Greens, daily of course. But sometimes do you feel like you need more of a GOOD thing? I do. Fortunately my Good thing is GOOD for me ;) I purchased a WAY COOL Ninja Blender for Christmas. It was my gift to myself-using gift cards I received for Christmas :) I always spend my gift cards on things for my family. Crazy habit. People insisted I spend said gift cards on myself, I did. Success. Do you ever find yourself always doing for others, and never for yourself? I think it's a mom thing, that's what I tell myself anyway ;)
Sorry went off topic, back to the monster...There are SO many recipes out there for the Green Monster. I'm sure they are all amazing but so many of them are filled w/ unnecessary calories. I don't want to waste calories, not cool. Not cool at all. So many smoothies are filled w/ cow milk, yogurt, peanut butter, excess sugars, etc. I'm not saying these things are bad for you, of course there are foods that are much worse. But if you are going to drink a healthy smoothie then drink a healthy smoothie.
I know some of you may have this aversion to green things. I'm not one of those people. I do have an aversion to fruit, most fruit. It's just gross and weird and the texture is repulsive. I know it's strange?! On my approved list- bananas, strawberries, blueberries, mandarin oranges. That's it! If you put it in a smoothie-I can totally drink it without gagging! Yay Me! It's the small things, right? Right. Try this recipe and keep in mind you can modify it however you please. Change the fruits. Change the greens. Mix it up. This is the beauty of the green smoothie!
My Monster:
1 cup Wawona Festival Blend frozen fruit (70 calories)1 cup mixed berries (70 calories)
2 cups spinach (14 calories)
1 cup silk (unsweetened) (60 calories)
Blend it!
The Wawona frozen fruit can be found @ Costco. If you don't have access to Costco, I would just use a tropical fruit blend-watch the sugars! Fresh fruit is always best, but frozen is easier for me! This smoothie really makes more than I can drink in one sitting. If you are just starting with smoothies or using as a meal replacement this may be the perfect amount for you. My kids enjoy this as well-if I make the "full" amount, I have plenty to share!
If you still aren't convinced that you can knock back one of these Green Monsters, check out this list!
10 Easy to Digest
Green smoothies are blended and pureed so that all the macro and micro nutrients are in tiny particles. The cells of the greens and the fruits are ruptured, making the valuable nutrients easy for the body to assimilate. Digestions starts in the mouth and these tiny particles then become so easy for the body to digest that they are bio-available as soon as you start drinking them. Not many foods get absorbed starting in the mouth - most start in the stomach or intestines, but a green smoothie is absorbed in the mouth.
Increased Energy
Most people do not get the number of nutrients in a week that you get from drinking one green smoothie. All those nutrients will help you to experience improved health, increased energy and clearer thinking!
pH Balance the body
Over-acidity in the body can also result in chronic health issues, while an alkaline body can prevent the same problems. Some people experience fatigue, gum and teeth problems, a tendency towards getting sick frequently, pain and inflammation, and premature aging when the body is too acidic.
Disease cannot live in a body that is alkaline. Acid-producing foods, as well as over consumption of protein, can raise the pH level in the body. An acidic body can cause your body to leach minerals, like calcium from your bones.
Fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods - even acidic fruits like lemon cause an alkaline reaction in the body.
Chlorophyll is the green pigmentation in plants that helps the plant to absorb energy from the sun and facilitate photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is also chemically similar to human blood. Chlorophyll has been found to have tremendous health benefits to humans. It is an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and has wound-healing properties. It has been seen to help in the growth and repair of tissues. Chlorophyll also helps us to assimilate and chelate calcium and other heavy minerals. It can even help neutralize free radicals.
Green smoothies are loaded with chlorophyll. By drinking 2 or 3 cups of green smoothies daily you will consume enough greens for the day to nourish your body, and all of the beneficial nutrients will be well assimilated.
Green smoothies are loaded with chlorophyll. By drinking 2 or 3 cups of green smoothies daily you will consume enough greens for the day to nourish your body, and all of the beneficial nutrients will be well assimilated.
Great skin, hair and eyes
There is no skin cream, hair conditioner or other beauty product that compares to beautifying from the inside. Easily assimilated nutrients in addition to all the chlorophyll in a green smoothie will give you the best skin, brighter eyes and shinier hair than you have ever had.
5 Yummy and Tasty!
Green smoothies have a ratio of 60% fruit to 40% greens, so fruit dominates the flavor, allowing the greens to help balance the sweetness. Children and adults alike enjoy the flavor of smoothies which can vary based on whatever fruits someone prefers. People who enjoy any type of diet, from raw vegans to those who consume a Standard American Diet enjoy the taste of green smoothies. Who knew something so green could taste so yummy!
4Reduce Cravings for Unhealthy Food
Typically, people eat greens smothered in salad dressings, butter and/or added salt. When you consume your greens in the form of green smoothies, you can reduce the consumption of nutrition less oils and salts in your diet. Your body begins to crave what it eats and assimilates, and green smoothies have been shown to reduce our cravings for sugar and other processed foods and replaced with cravings for more greens.
Some people are intimidated by green smoothies and want recipes, but they are so easy to make, no recipes are needed. The best green smoothies are about 60% ripe fruit and 40% greens. Throw the ingredients in the blender, add a little water if you need, and that is it. No cooking, no washing pots and pans afterwards, just throw everything in the blender, give it a whirl, pour and enjoy! Green Smoothies are even easier than juicing - no equipment to take apart and clean. Just washing a blender which usually requires adding a cup of hot water, and a couple of drops of dish soap, whirl rinse and let dry. Smoothie made and cleaned up all in a matter of minutes.
2 Complete food
Green smoothies, as opposed to protein drinks, sports drinks, or even juices, are a complete food that still contain all the nutrients and fiber. Fiber is important for our, umm, elimination system which ultimately can:
- Reduce the risk of heart disease
- Reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Lower the risk of several forms of cancer
- Improve cholesterol and blood pressure
- Regulate Digestion
Drinking green smoothies develops habits of eating greens. After a few weeks of drinking green smoothies, most people will actually start to crave more greens. Most people do not eat enough greens in their diets and everyone can benefit from more greens.
Eating green smoothies also means you are replacing another food. Some people reduce their cravings for junk foods, unhealthy sweets, salt and fats. You will find that after a few weeks of drinking smoothies, you will crave healthier foods such as fruits, vegetables and greens.
Eating green smoothies also means you are replacing another food. Some people reduce their cravings for junk foods, unhealthy sweets, salt and fats. You will find that after a few weeks of drinking smoothies, you will crave healthier foods such as fruits, vegetables and greens.
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