Time to Get Focused
Have you been slacking? Have you not even started, and just relish in the idea of sitting on your couchnot moving a muscle and getting SkinnyFit? Let's BE Real for a minute. It's less than a month til
Spring! I know. I know. Spring Breaks may not be in the cards for everyone, but for some it is. Who
cares?! Don't you just want to feel better? Look better in your clothes? Live Longer? Look Younger?
Look Healthier? Make a decision for YOU. Time to get FOCUSED.
Ready, Set, Goal
Setting a goal seems like it should be a one step process. Look super-hot in time for my high school
reunion or look fit in that bikini and make all the other moms wonder, "how'd she do it?". But if your
thought process is to simply skip right to the end game, chances are you’ll never get there. You need to
find a connection to the goal and be able to put a plan in place. I have some tips on how to get 'er done.
Step 1: Where Do You Want to Go?
This is the big picture, blue sky, pot-of-gold-at-the-end-of-the-rainbow that you’ll ultimately be looking
to achieve. You can’t be wishy-washy. In fact, you have to be really specific. Goals such as “I want to
look better on my wedding day than my Cousin Janet looked on hers” are way too vague (and, to be
honest, a bit messed up).
I will always be your cheerleader. I am happy to support you. Answer your questions. Be your
sounding board. Whatever. I'm here for you <3
Maybe today is not your day. Don't start just to quit. But I will leave you with this. Every person who has made a change in their life remembers a specific point in time where something just clicked and they knew this was the moment to change. Now - today - is the day for change. Forget what happened yesterday and focus on the daily changes you can make that will bring you closer to your goal. If you are thinking, "Well, it is too late, I am too old or too overweight" I want each of you to remember this: "It is NEVER too late to become what you might have been!" - George Eliot
You have been given today as a gift - MAKE IT COUNT!!!
Angela, SkinnyWrapAngel
“I want to be 16 percent body fat by my wedding on April 19th.”
“I want to lower my triglyceride numbers by 20 percent at my next doctor visit.”
“I want to run a 10k next fall.”
These are all great goals as they are specific and measurable. The only caveat is that they do have to fall
into the realm of actually being possible and realistic. So don’t make the mistake of setting the goal of
becoming the next UFC Welterweight Champion before you even have your first fight. Not to mention
that's where my boyfriend, GSP holds his title. So don't even think about it. Think in terms of smaller
steps first that will ultimately lead you to that big goal.
Now that you have a specific goal, write it down on a piece of paper, fold it up and place it under the
refrigerator. Because once you set it, it’s no longer your focus — figuring out what you have to do to
reach your goal is where your head needs to be.
Step 2: What Do You Have to Do to Get There?
Rather than getting fixated on the finish line, it’s time to focus on the behaviors that are in your control.
Are you going to the gym five times per week? Are you keeping a food journal? Are you checking
food labels?
You can only control whatever is actually in your control.
Unfortunately, this is where most people fall down. These behaviors are the true work behind
accomplishing your goals and can take a lot of effort without a lot of immediate reward. Going to the
gym at 5 a.m. is hard. Resisting Debbie the Secretary's “world famous” banana bread every time you
pass her desk is challenging. Establishing and repeating behaviors is what it takes to get you where you
want to go. No one said achieving your goals would be easy.
Step 3: Find an Emotional Connection
This is the stuff that will actually get you out of bed when the alarm sounds at 4:30 a.m. and get you
sweating over a hot stove preparing meals on Sunday nights. You have to discover the personal
significance behind your goals.
If you’ve noticed that you are getting out of breath every time you walk up the stairs to go to bed at
night, that fear can certainly motivate you to make some changes. If you break a sweat
doing/folding/putting away laundry for your family of 5, chances are you need to make some changes.
Having the energy and mobility to play with your kids will always carry more value than seeing the
scale go down by a few pounds and will get you out of bed instead of hitting snooze.
Step 4: Find the WoMan With the Plan
Now that you know what it is you want to do, the behaviors required to get it done and why it’s
important to you, it’s time to establish a plan. Of course, what the plan should be is completely
dependent on your individual goal.
Doing the work is hard enough in and of itself. So hire a pro to map out the path, make changes when
needed, be a sounding board, and help keep you honest and accountable. It may cost you a bit of
money, but the time, effort, and mental energy you’ll save in the long run will be well worth it. If you
can't pay to train at a gym or work with a personal trainer you can work at home, train yourself. Find an
accountability partner. Someone to work with your or someone who has already been through their
journey. Someone who will support you. Hold you up when you feel weak. Encourage You. Inspire
You. Your biggest cheerleader. You should be your biggest cheerleader, but sometimes you need an
extra Rah Rah Rah!
I will always be your cheerleader. I am happy to support you. Answer your questions. Be your
sounding board. Whatever. I'm here for you <3
Maybe today is not your day. Don't start just to quit. But I will leave you with this. Every person who has made a change in their life remembers a specific point in time where something just clicked and they knew this was the moment to change. Now - today - is the day for change. Forget what happened yesterday and focus on the daily changes you can make that will bring you closer to your goal. If you are thinking, "Well, it is too late, I am too old or too overweight" I want each of you to remember this: "It is NEVER too late to become what you might have been!" - George Eliot
You have been given today as a gift - MAKE IT COUNT!!!
Angela, SkinnyWrapAngel
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