My kiddos are on Spring Break this week, YAY! I actually enjoy having my kids home. I spent the past week coming up with ideas, activities and just plain- AWESOME things to do.
Here is a quick list of 100, our goal is to get through 90! We also have a ton of activities not on this list.
Check out my Pinterest boards to see some of the fun things we have planned!!!
100 Things to Do Over Spring Break
- Give your kids $10 and go to the dollar store. Let them have all the time they need to shop, don't rush!
- Go for a walk on local trails.
- X-box/Wii marathon.
- Dress up dog pet have a photo shoot.
- Go to the movies.
- Make a spring break album and take pic's of everything you do.
- Create your own motel at home. Have kids pack a suitcase, get in the vehicle and return home to your motel. Transform house by putting number on bedroom doors, have room service, kitchen becomes restaurant....
- Go swimming.
- Pitch a tent in the living room.
- Be a tourist in your own town.
- Head to the movies for a matinee.
- Go to library.
- Have a spa day.
- Do a bedroom makeover: move furniture around, add photos, accessorize... (great way to get them to clean their bedrooms without them knowing)
- Go for ice cream.
- Boardgame bonanza. (break out the boardgames)
- Scavenger hunt in home or around town.
- Backwards dinner with other families. Rotate houses.
- Go for a bike ride.
- Movie marathon at home.
- Pajama day: crazy hair, pillow fight, breakfast in bed....
- Go to craft store and be creative.
- Send postcards from to family members who live faraway.
- Go on an candy hunt.
- Have a tea party.
- Build a fort in the living room.
- Play flashlight tag at night around the house.
- Thumb war, wrestling or a tickle fight.
- Learn to juggle.
- Make a feely box. Guess what's inside.
- Write a letter/draw a picture and send it to grandparents.
- Make a movie with video camera, iphone, ipad.
- Play hide and go seek.
- Bake cookies.
- Have a yard sale.
- Build a time capsule.
- Paper airplane contest.
- Take turns saying tongue twisters.
- Do shadow puppets.
- Become penpals with a friend in town.
- Create a spring break journal, and jot down what you did everyday.
- Play a card game.
- Set up a lemonade stand.
- Go to the pet store.
- Make homemade playdough.
- Skype grandparents.
- Blow bubbles.
- Facepaint face.
- Play traditional games:Tag, What time is it Mr. Wolf, Duck Duck Goose, Go Go Stop...
- Build a tower.
- Go to McDonald's playground.
- Perform a kitchen science experiment.
- Do a craft.
- Go to an appliance store and get a fridge/stove box and make a playhouse.
- Set up an obstacle course inside.
- Play dress up.
- Airband concert.
- Go bowling.
- Build robots using boxes and tin foil.
- Knock down dominoes.
- Build a lego structure.
- Make homemade sidewalk chalk an draw on pavement.
- Organize a toy exchange with other families.
- Start a collection.
- Play twister.
- Go to the corner store and buy a candy.
- Take a drive.
- Have a burping contest.
- Polish pennies. Put in vinegar.
- Rent a movie.
- Make funny faces in a mirror.
- Go to video arcade at Movie Theatre.
- Try geocaching.
- Window shop. Get out of your car and walk around town.
- Wash the dog.
- Make your own ice cream.
- See how long you can hold your breath.
- Make jello.
- Play musical chairs, but whoever gets out wins a prize.
- Crazy hair day.
- Do a jigsaw puzzle.
- Burping contest.
- Make homemade popsicles.
- Bubble gum blowing contest.
- Host a potluck dinner and get the kids together.
- Go to a sporting event.
- Order pizza.
- Have a sleepover.
- Visit Pet Adoption facility to play.
- Book a court for a game of wallyball.
- Go to the mall.
- Pick up a craft kit.
- Go to airport and watch planes take off.
- Theme days: backwards, crazy hair, jersey....
- Phone another family and make a plan.
- Plant something.
- Get messy: paint, paper mache, science experiments...
- Balloon fun: balloon popping contest, draw faces on balloons, volleyball, balloon animals, squealing sounds...
- Read a book.
- Come up with your own list of things To Do over spring break.
sounds like fun!!